Communication platform
for the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rubizhne
Administrative center of Luhganska oblast
Population: 107 167
Square: 42,1 km²
Population: 101 134
Square: 95,64 km²
Population : 59 951
Square : 33,76 km²

Creating communication platform "Svitlohrad" for active people of three cities - Severodonetsk, Lysychansk and Rubizhne, in order to develop communication strategy for creating a common vision of development (community association without cities association). Experts and artists' research on the history of the cities to form a base of sources, which will serve a foundation for developing humanitarian policy and involve community, government and museum community.

In Severodonetsk there is the museum of the "Azot" that is factory privately owned

The purpose of the project - to draw attention of the local community and the government to the following questions:

  • establishing communication between the inhabitants of the cities, building a community of the like-minded who will work together on formulating a joint vision of regional development;
  • humanitarian policy: studying the history of the region from ancient times to the present; initiating and supporting cultural processes; updating processes of self-identity in the region;
  • forming public image of the existing museum institutions, popularizing the museum's developments among the local population and establishing communication between the institution and the community; creating public spaces on the museum basis where each citizen can study history, conduct their own research or implement a project;
  • forming the community's aspiration for a new (virtual)museum to present the study of the history of the region.



    In the Soviet period there was a plan to merge Severodonetsk (a young city that grew up in the 30's and was separated from Lysychansk and Rubizhne by the "Azot" plant), Lysychansk and Rubizhne in one city-agglomerate called Svitlograd. This plan was never implemented, but it resulted in competition and discord among the inhabitants of the cities. The problem is vital not only for those cities, but also for the whole Ukraine due to the decentralization process. Absence of normal communication among the cities impedes economic, social and humanitarian development of the agglomerate. In addition, absence of an institution for competent covering the history of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk and Rubizhne intensifies the problem. because the issues of self- identity and development of humanitarian policies are now pressing in the region.

    Currently the region has no state museum of regional importance. In the city of Severodonetsk (regional center of Luhansk region) there is no state museum.


    • Artists from different regions of Ukraine
    • Internally displaced persons
    • Local and national media, journalists
    • Experts from different regions of Ukraine
    • Local experts: the museum staff, representatives of humanitarian institutions, educators
    • Local people
    • Civil activists
    • Government sector

    • research on the cities' history by Ukrainian and foreign historians, experts, artists with the participation of the local population and experts;
    • creating art-clusters art as communication platforms for project work in cooperation with local participants;
    • formation of source base through research for the virtual museum and its popularization;
    • communication sessions for active citizens (with the participation of Ukrainian and international experts) in order to develop strategy or roadmap for establishing communication between cities and elaborating a common vision for the development of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rubizhne;
    • educational lectures for local museum staff, representatives of cultural, educational and humanitarian branch to develop a communication strategy for museums or state humanitarian institutions;
    • work with schools and universities to promote the project research.

    Former childrens hospital that was built by belgians in the end of XIX century.
    Lysychansk city.

    Stages of implementation:

    • Developing a strategy and forming an expert circle to implement the project;

    • Involving local participants and ensuring support from public sector and international organizations;

    • Creating an art-cluster on the basis of "Belgian heritage" in Lysychansk, which will function as a public space which will be the basis for project participants' work and communication;

    • Creating art clusters in Severodonetsk and Rubizhne;

    • Forming virtual museum exhibition based on research of demonstrating developments in art clusters;

    • Work on the creation of the physical museum space

    Availability of public space - is the sign of democracy.

    • Art cluster as a public space for communication via the tool of modern art;

    • Source base for a virtual museum and development of museum design

    • Educational program for museum staff on popularizing the existing achievements of the museum and formats of work with the audience

    • Educational program for teachers and University teachers on methods of using modern tools in teaching pupils and students local history

    • Roadmap "Communication Strategy for Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rubizhne: a vision of common development."


    Leonid Marushchak,

    curator of the Arts Department
    [email protected]

    Olha Honchar,

    coordinator and communications manager
    of the Arts Department
    [email protected]


    All rights of content reserved by design studio Geometrix. Photographer Zenon Razutdinov.
    The works by Rolan Gupta and Juan Pablo Bravo ( were used in this template.

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